Grumme Grön Såpa 750ml

CHF 5.50

Grumme Grön Såpa 750ml

Eco-labelled and natural soap that effectively cleans most things in the home. Grumme Grönsåpa is a real cleaning classic and has been part of many Swedish homes for over 100 years!Grumme Grönsåpa contains genuine pine oil and cleans while being gentle on the substrate. The soap is an all-purpose cleaner and can be used to clean surfaces such as floors and bathrooms but also many other things! Grumme Soap is produced with care for the environment. It contains no preservatives and is biodegradable. It is also eco-labelled with the Nature Conservation Association's Good Environmental Choice and vegan with a certification from the Vegan Society. The soap also comes in packaging made from 75% recycled plastic.

Grumme soap is suitable for cleaning almost all materials and surfaces in all rooms.